Jan 28, 2019

13 Eco-Friendly Items You Can Buy From Daiso

If you have a lack of self-control, Daiso is a dangerous place to shop. With the low price tag and plenty of choices, you might end up with things you don’t need, creating more wastage. In this post, I want to recommend you some items that can enhance your zero waste lifestyle. Do keep in mind that you don't have to get all the items because you're currently following the zero waste lifestyle. Pick and choose the items that suit your current lifestyle and evaluate if you really do need the item before purchasing it.

At the moment this post is being published, all Daiso items are priced at only RM5.90.


Jan 27, 2019

4 Days Tokyo Itinerary version 1 (With Printable Reference)

A 4-day trip to Tokyo is not enough. In actual, even a 4-week trip is not enough as well. Tokyo is a city that constantly changing with a lot of events and activities happening throughout the year. If you think you've seen it all, new attractions will pop up again and again.

Anyway, if you just want a shallow dip into Tokyo's attraction, we've got the plan for you.

Feel free to shuffle the days around or move the places of interest depending on where you stay. To maximize your experience, you can follow my Step-to-step Guide How to Create your own itinerary. But let's start with the Tokyo itinerary.