Jan 4, 2018

10 Ways to Cure Your Travel Hangover

If you just came back from holiday and can't function properly when back to your usual routine, you might be suffering from travel hangover.

Have you heard of the term "post-holiday disorder" or "travel hangover"? It is normal to go through travel hangover, especially when you had a good time exploring a new place. Getting back to your usual routine may not be a bad thing. Temporarily, you can try the options below to minimize your lethargic feeling.

#1 - Dine in your local restaurant that serves international food

I always associate food with the countries I visit. The week I came back from Bangkok, I book a dinner at a nearby Thai restaurant to keep me footed. Just a dinner treat for myself would bring me back to my experience in Thailand.

Sometimes, I can't find the restaurant that simulates my craving for the country I visited. For example, in Malaysia, we have lack of Greek food. In that case, I will cook the dish I enjoyed most during my travel.

Do try out PlateCulture.com for various choices

#2 - Start a travel journal

Keeping a travel journal is a good way to keep your memories alive. Simply jot down places you have visited or places you wish you have visited during your trip. Recipes, budget spent, facts, restaurant names, etc. are some of the content you can include in your travel journal. To make your journaling more creative, add some embellishments, doodles, washi tapes or stickers to your pages.

#3 - Read a book

They say a good book can take you to the location set in the story. When I travel, I like to visit the local bookstores and bring back books related to the country. The topic such as culture, history, local interest and local fiction are my usual picks. Reading the book not only will bring me back to the place, it also gives me a better understanding of the place I visited.

Related post: Book Haul from Europe and Beautiful Bookstores & Libraries: Must-visit for bookworms

#4 - Go through mementos & knick knacks gathered from your trip

Pretty sure you have brought back some travel maps, postcards, photos, souvenirs and some stuff from your trip. Going through the stuff you brought back can enhance your memories. You can also shuffle some photos to display at home or arrange your souvenirs for your friends and families.

#5 - Listen to songs

Just like reading books, listening to songs can also bring you to places related to the songs. When I miss Bali, I would listen to Degung Bali for relaxation. When I think of Paris, I would play Edith Piaf. Listening to Shamisen music, it will remind me of Japan.

#6 - Recreate the local dish

Taiwanese food, Thai food, Greek food and Mediterranean food are my favourite recreation. Sometimes suffering from wanderlust can be satisfied with a plate of homecooked food. So far I've mastered tom yum soup (Thai), zhar zhiang mien (Taiwanese), and pork gyro (Greek).

#7 - Make a drink

If you're not a good cook, making a drink works as well. When in Belgium, bring back some chocolate drink so you can make your own hot chocolate at home. In Japan & China, bring back some green tea leafs and France & Italy, some wine.

#8 - Plan a staycation

Weekend staycation is a good way to recharge yourself and tune your body to get back to your usual routine. You don't have to go far for a staycation. Be a tourist in your own town is also a good getaway if you don't want to spend too much time away. Visit your local museum or tourist spots.

Read: Escape with Traveloka to KL Journal Hotel

#9 - Getting life back in place

Always plan an extra day off after your trip. This is to readjust your biological clock if needed. A day off at home allows you to sort out your laundry, unpack your souvenirs and clean your house. Going through your travel knick-knacks will cure your travel hangover.

#10 - Plan for another trip

If everything else failed, planning another trip will set your wanderlust mood active. They say wanderlust is a DNA trait, if you are suffering from travel hangover, most likely you have the wanderlust gene.

The method that works all the time has always been related to food. Going to an international cuisine restaurant or learn to cook new dish are my usual travel rebound. How do you nurse your travel hangover, leave me a comment so that I can try it out myself.


jaqulin said...

Who wouldn't like to detox while they're drinking? Additionally, vitamin B6 has been shown to decrease hangover symptoms when consumed prior to alcohol consumption. So this is what what cures a hangover.

Amit said...

Great post. The best way is taking anti hangover shots. Try it once.